The ordinary general assembly shall convene at least once a year within three months of the end of the fiscal year whenever necessary. The ordinary general assembly includes all the members of the association in whatever capacity they may be. It meets every year. At least fifteen days before fixing the date of GA, the members of the society are convened by the care of the secretary. The agenda appears on the notices. The president, assisted by the members of the council, chairs the assembly and provides an overview on the society activities and the prospect for the future actions. The treasurer reports on his management and submits the annual accounts (balance sheet, income statement and appendix) for approval by the assembly. The general assembly fixes the amount of the annual membership fees and the entry fee to be paid by the different categories of members. Only items on the agenda can be discussed. Decisions are taken by majority vote of members present or represented.
If necessary, the president can convene an extraordinary general assembly , according to the modalities provided for in these statutes and only for modification of the articles of association or dissolution. The convening procedures are the same as for the ordinary general meeting.