
The Seminar of High Energy Physics:

New Discovery Modes for a Light Charged Higgs Boson at the LHC

Hybrid Plasma Source (HPS): Proof of concept & Early Investigations

8th December 2024 OnLine

"Trends in Physics", published by the Arab Physical Society, makes what would otherwise be inaccessible, specialist knowledge, accessible to the lay reader in the Arab World.

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Second ArPS Summer School on Advanced physics

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Focal Points

Professor Suleiman Saleh Al-Thoyaib

Professor–Theoretical Nuclear Physics Experimental Nuclear Physics King Saud University

Professor Hanna A. Sabat

Regional Centre for Space Science and Technology Education for Western Asia-UN, Amman, Jordan. The dark photon, Spectral behavior of X-ray, Galactic dark matter, Dynamics of close binary system.

Professor: Ahmed Maarouf

Department of Physics, Faculty of Basic Sciences, German University in Cairo, Condensed matter physics, Graphene based materials, Atomistic Simulation Nanotechnology.

Professor: Wafa Khater

Currently, the Dean of the Science Faculty at Birzeit University in Palestine. Prior to this, she was the Head of the physics department and director of the master program there between 2013 and 2016. Khater is also an associate at the International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Italy, before that she was a research fellow at the The Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) in Hamburg, Germany. Her research interests are in the field of High-Energy Particle Physics, Phenomenology of Models beyond the Standard Model, Dark Matter, CP violation and Higgs Physics. She did her PhD in the Institute of Physics and Technology (IFT), Bergen University (UiB), Norway. She is widely acknowledged to be an advocate of diversity in science and of marginalized scientists, where she has been featured internationally in several articles (Elsevier, IOP, SCiDev, ICTP, Sussex, and MIT) as a role model of Palestinian women in physics and a successful researcher in developing societies. She is a member in several organizations that focus on the role of Women in physics and science such as the “OWSD: Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World”. She is also the local coordinator of several community-outreach activities and building-capacity programs in physics.

Professor : Mohanad H. Oleiwi

University of Babylon. Professor of Physics College of Education for Pure Sciences, Irak, Theoretical and Nuclear Physics, Quantum Physics, String Theory, Philosophical Foundation of Physics.

Professor: Lalla Btissam Drissi

Mohammed V University in Rabat, Faculty of Science, Rabat, Morocco, Physics of nanostructures, Topological matter, Numerical Simulations, Statistical and quantum physics.

Professor:Jouda Jemaa Khabthani

Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière Condensée Faculté des Sciences de Tunis Campus Farhat Hached, Université ElManar Tunis- Tunisia. Quantum transport properties of monolayer graphene, phosphorene and organic semiconductors in solar cellsStructural and electrical properties in nanotubes/PVDF composite for photovoltaic cell.